Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Selection of YCN briefs

Last two weeks I started figuring out how certain competition brief websites work. After quite the struggle, I managed to find the briefs of YCN (dandad is still a mystery to me)

From their briefs I managed to find a few that I liked and I want to try this semester.

The first two listed are the ones I liked the most, because of it's demands and my potential (what I'm trying to say is that I could immediately visualise how I could participate in the brief).

- Britvi J20 (mainly design)
Brief is to redesign J20's logo to appeal to certain older audience (25-35 year olds)
Have to create 8 images showing solution for individual bottles and four pack, plus supporting information (400 words)
With this brief no animation is required, but I figured this might be a nice way to practice modelling and texturing, alongside the designer part that's the main idea of the brief. Creating a 3D model with new designs can help illustrate the new designs in a different way than just the designs.

- Propercorn
Audience: young professionals, 20-35 year olds. Health conscious and art appreciators.
Brief is to bring illustrative work to life as animator. The challenge is to bring to life the ethos of 'done properly'.
I was perhaps thinking of either animating one (or some) of the designs in their respective style.

- Scavi & Ray Prosecco
Create a campaign to raise awareness to UK first premium brand of prosecco.
Focus lies on fashion and design (considering their partnership with London fashion week and others)
Audience is females who enjoy life and love the occasional glass of bubbles, it's supposed to be fun!
Mandatory is logo and brand guidelines adherence. Medium is free.
Since the medium is free, animation is an option here.

Create a student brand campaign. Give students a reason to shop at GAP. Must use the GAP logo, the rule of 25% off during Fresher's 2015. "Dress normal" is the tone of voice for the campaign.
Considering it's campaign, animation is a possibility.

Create a visual representation of their new tagline 'Design Works Wonders'. Audience: businesses, industries for fashion/art/fitness. Connect it to design and creativity. Promote awareness, must be visually engaging, make people get excited. Animation possible.

I'm more excited about the first 2 of the five chosen, because I have a brighter idea of how to fill in the brief. For other competition briefs, I'm waiting for the new month to kick in to participate in '11seconds club', and I'm busy brainstorming for a short for 'Loopdeloop' october/november.

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