Sunday, 7 December 2014

Prop 3 - Alarm clock

I looked for a few references again, before choosing the retro red/green one as inspiration for the alarm clock. I liked this one because I thought it would be easy to create, and still be recognisable as an alarm clock.

I started off with a cube, adding divisions and later on bevelled the edges on the sides. This was going to be the base. I duplicated the base, scaled it down over one axis and extruded the centre inwards to create the indent of the alarm. This was going to be the part with the numerals on it. The part I extruded inwards, I later then duplicated again for the piece of plastic/glass what is in front of the numeral plate. I added two cilinders. One at the top, probably the snooze button, and one in front at the centre of the numerals. This is the cilinder on where the arrows are attached. I created an arrow from a panel, duplicated this one and altered it a bit to make it look a bit different, to differentiate the short from the big one. 

For shading and textures I used mia materials for the plastic casing of the alarm and lambert for the plastic for the numerals and the rest (the cilinders and arrows). I then had to create UVmaps for the arrows and the numeral plate, coloured them using photoshop and later added them to the textures.

For now I just leave the alarm for what it is, but if I would want to animate it later on if I have the time, then I could. The arrows have their pivots centred on the cilinder, so I can easily let them rotate if I wanted to.

Final prop: fertig. Ready to add them into the scene.

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