Monday, 19 January 2015

PPP, what do I want to do the next year?

PPP sparked my fire for networking a bit and made it burn brighter than it did before. I always wanted to network more, but I actually never did. I was jealous of some of my friends who are easy talkers, who just could go up to some animators whose work they admired and talk about it, leaving probably some impressions.

While I was at BAF I dared to open up a bit more and dared to ask questions in a full lecture room or just walk up to some people, even if it was to ask for just a photo. I think being in another country, forcing myself in other surroundings, new classes, new people, might've been the start of it. Usually I always waste away in a corner, until I think it's safe enough to open up myself to other people, but I kind of forced myself out of that lifestyle since I was here for only a short period of time.

While I was here I started working on a showreel I could use to contact some studios with, since I'm required to work as an intern in April. Just waltzing into a studio to show my portfolio isn't something I usually do, but when I went to ShoSho for my application, I felt more confident than I did before. So this is a thing I want to continue doing the nest months, even years. I want to go to more festivals (if my wallet allows me to), talk to more people and try to dig more into the world of animators what I wish to be a part of.

Some festivals I have in mind to go to are Holland Animation film Festival in Utrecht (18-22 march), Klik Amsterdam (27 october - 1 november), Playgrounds (October 2015). I wish to go to das Internationales Trickfilm Festival in Stuttgart again (5-10 may 2015), but since I'm having my internship then, I'm not sure what the possibilities are since you need to take days off, etc. However, when working at Shosho, I'm also sort of busy networking, right?

I want to thank everyone at LCA Animation department for guiding me through these past months and I wish to visit again soon!

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