Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Tom Saunders

Today in the session Annabeth spoke a bit about freelancing, but to explain this further, she invited a graduate from six years ago to talk about his experiences.

Tom Saunders. 

Tom is a graduate of Leeds College of Art of the same course (technically not entirely the same since the definition of the course keeps changing over the years. He had no idea what he wanted to do when studying animation. While a lot of people advise you to focus on one, two at the most, different techniques to develop yourself in, he started developing in a broad range of techniques and possibilities. For he had no clear vision of what he wanted to do after graduating, this seemed a good option. Tom had made different contacts with people from different areas while studying and got offers lasting for two years afterwards, giving hem a free ticket to a thing to start working on. He already has done different kind of jobs.

When freelancing:
Use social network websites wisely and carefully. They are useful tools. When updating a social network (like facebook or twitter), let people know your busy, what you’re busy with, keep ‘em coming. Try and keep your social networks divided in a different one for your work and personal stuff. (It's not really professional to have a photo or video of your work in the same album as your (nearly) drunk experiences the night before) Through social networking you’ll be updated of other people as well; there can be possibilities you’ll come across others close by. When using social networks you're easily reachable for other parties.

Research target clients. When you want to work for certain companies or clients, you must know who you’re working for (and who they’re creating for respectively). 

Networking opens doors. Through meeting people, you’ll meet new people, who again know people who might be interested in working with you. Try to get to as much networking opportunities as possible.

Have a plan… sort of. Aim high… why not? When freelancing: how much (money)? It’s a trap. Don’t directly answer.

Keep clients happy is the key point to keep in mind.

What I thought was really funny is how is Doctor Who fanboy side came more forward, every so slightly with every mention of the show or it's actors.

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