Sunday 18 January 2015

Final Animation

Like I discussed in my last post on development, I only changed the timing of the camera angles since they felt a bit awkward. After the final render, I collected the files and I saw I made a render mistake. AGAIN.

In one of the scenes the hair render was still on the old zoom of camera 2, so too far in. To tackle this I adjusted the zoom in After effects, en to make sure it followed the head correctly, I placed some keys on its position.
I also felt like the seemed bald-ish at some moments, so I doubled the layer of hair in every shot to make her hair appear fuller.
Besides re-rendering some shots, I had to alter the audio a bit. I put up the volume as far as I could without creating a distortion, and I did the same for the sound effects, since they were too subtle. (I remember saying this before?)

I'm quite glad with how it turned out. Looking back at it I see now I made lots and lots of mistakes, considering I had to ask Mat for help, A LOT, but I'm really grateful. I'm really glad I had the possibility to practice more with modelling and animating and I feel like I'm getting away from the rough edges of the linear and stiff animating I did before. I'll definitely try and keep all the tips I got the past months in mind when I'm working on the next project!

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